Dental veneers are modern alternatives to tooth replacement technique. They are wafer-thin laminates made out porcelain or resin composite material and can be placed over the tooth to conceal a defect or augment the tooth. Dental veneers are used to fix a wide range of dental issues including but not limited to tooth discoloration, broken or chipped tooth, worn down tooth and to close the spaces between gapped teeth.
A dental practitioner is in the best position to recommend dental veneer after speaking with you and gauging if a dental veneer procedure will properly address your dental needs. They should explain the entire procedure to you including the benefits, risks, lifespan, care and cost. Since dental veneers are personalised treatments and not an off-the-shelf remedy, you might be required to take an x-ray and a mould of your mouth and teeth be made for precision.
Getting a veneer will send you over to the dental office a couple of times. Besides the initial consultation and examinations. The shape and size of each tooth that would be requiring a veneer would need to be prepared by way of reshaping through trimming. A model of the tooth or teeth will then be sent to the laboratory where the veneer is made. When the veneer is ready, you will be invited back to the dental office where the veneer will be placed over the target tooth or teeth.
Visit us today at 7700 Hurontario St #308 for further information about veneers.